Discover the Value of your Home.

Get a home value estimate to see how much you could sell for and how fast based on key trends happening in your area.
(321) 544-9237


Home Value FAQ

  • Home value, or current market value, is the amount of money your house would likely sell for if it went on the market today.

  • Knowing what your home is worth can help you decide when to sell and what your asking price should be. It can also help you determine if you should make some repairs or updates first. Since your home is such a major financial asset, it’s important to make informed decisions when you’re getting ready to sell.

  • Your home value estimate is based on sales price data gathered from public records. It is not based on a licensed appraisal of your home. Estimated value can vary depending on location, current market conditions, data availability in a given area, and other factors.

  • I can provide you with a comparative market analysis (CMA). A CMA consolidates all the data from available comparables and gives you an estimate of what your home value should be.

  • Yes, home valuation can change over time for a variety of reasons. The hope is that your home will appreciate, meaning it will gain market value. But there is no failsafe way to predict these changes.

  • Changes in the market itself are a major contributing factor to fluctuation in home value. As demand goes up, prices typically go up, and vice versa. Changes in the economy, job market, interest rates — these are things that influence home value and are well beyond your control. But there are some things you can do to help your home’s chances of appreciation over time, like making smart upgrades and strategic renovations.